
How To Measure A Window To Replace It

How to Measure Domicile Windows

Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 4.30.46 PM Stride 1. Take 3 horizontal measurements of the window frame for the rough opening width.

  • Mensurate the altitude horizontally across your frame at the top, at the middle and at the bottom from each side jamb.
  • Circumvolve the smallest measurement of the three figures.
  • The smallest measurement is your rough opening width, the main measurement to reference when purchasing a replacement window.

* Tip: Always list window measurements with width earlier tiptop.

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Step 2. Have 3 vertical measurements of the window frame for the rough opening height.

  • Measure the altitude vertically across your frame from tiptop to bottom on the left, middle, and right side of the window from head jamb to the window sill.
  • Circle the smallest measurement of the iii figures, this is your crude opening superlative.

* Tip: If your window sill is sloped, measure out from the highest point of the window sill, which is usually correct against your window.

Step 3. Mensurate the depth of the window's opening. Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 4.34.24 PM

  • Finding the correct depth is important because some windows will be besides deep to fit into a replacement window opening.
  • Run a record measure from the exterior of the frame to the within and take the measurement from edge to border of the window frame.
  • Exercise this in several locations around the window frame and rely on the smallest measurement one time over again as your final dimension.

* Tip: If you can not open your window, measure the depth on each side of the drinking glass and add together them together. Then add the thickness of your window drinking glass pane. A single window glass pane is commonly 1/8″ or 3mm in thickness.

Acquire well-nigh the standard window sizes you lot can await to find here.

Measuring Rough Openings

It is vital that yous get your window measurements exactly right. Otherwise, your dwelling will be subject to drafts, which will increment your energy bills, expose you to the elements, and reduce your comfort at home.

  1. Start, take a horizontal measurement of the replacement window frame. To do this, measure the altitude beyond your frame at the top, at the middle, and at the lesser. Write down the smallest measurement of the three figures. The smallest measurement is the one to reference when purchasing a window. Do the aforementioned affair when measuring the acme. Take a measurement at the center of the window and at either side to meet which section is the smallest. Continue the two smallest numbers, one for the width and ane for height and rely on those to make your purchasing decisions.
  2. You lot likewise accept to measure the depth of the window opening. The depth is of import because some windows volition be too deep to fit into an opening. Run a tape measure out from the outside of the frame to the inside and take the measurement from edge to border. Do this in several different locations around the window and rely on the smallest effigy.

Now that you have the measurements, you can use them to purchase windows that volition fit into the space available. The windows should exist approximately ii inches narrower and ii inches shorter than the measured infinite. This leaves an inch of infinite effectually each side of the window for positioning and adjusting the window to fit exactly where y'all desire it. Use the depth measurement to ensure that your windows volition not be sticking out of the frame opening—the windows don't have to be much smaller than the depth. It may be best to find a local window replacement contractor.

What to Know Before Purchasing

Bring your rough opening window measurements with yous and apply them when purchasing your replacement windows and make certain you are paying a fair cost and know the average replacement window installation costs.

Nigh likely, you will be given the measurements of any windows that you program on purchasing. Still, you lot should measure them yourself to ensure that they are the right size for your window openings.

  • Use a tape measure to measure the height of the window from superlative to lesser in three different places. Brand note of the largest of the three measurements only in instance the window is not uniform in height.
  • Then measure across the window from exterior jamb to outside jamb to see how wide the window is. Accept three measurements and use the largest.
  • Finally, mensurate the depth of the window unit in several locations to meet if information technology is going to fit in your opening.
  • Compare the window measurements to the space available in your rough opening to see if the windows are compatible.

Near of the time, you will not accept to exercise this when ordering windows because the measurements volition be readily available. It is yet adept practise to take window measurements whenever you have windows physically available to you, even if it is just to double check someone else'due south work. There is nothing worse than getting windows home that don't fit.

A contractor measures a window

Easy Window Installation

Windows that are sized properly are much easier to install than windows that aren't the right size. It'due south a simple matter to put wedges around the window and level and plumb it before nailing, screwing, or stapling information technology into place no affair which window blazon y'all have installed. Only when the space around the windows is not right, the installation volition exist more complicated. Either in that location will non be enough space to level and plumb the window and material will have to be cutting away or the window volition sit crooked. If in that location is too much space, it will exist hard to shim the windows and lock them into identify properly.

Draft-Free Windows

Drafts are mutual when windows are non properly installed. They occur for a few different reasons. The showtime reason is that there are gaps left open effectually the outside of the windows. This usually happens when there is as well much space around a window and the gaps are not filled properly. It is much more difficult to make full in the space when it is larger than an inch.

Drafts are likewise caused when windows warp and the seals between panes break.This occurs when windows are crammed into also tight of a space and they aggrandize and contract against the surrounding fabric.

The good news is that once y'all have learned how to measure windows, drafts will be a thing of the past.

Stable Windows

The windows will need some infinite between the glass and the frame to prevent problems due to expansion and wrinkle. The play a joke on is that they demand to be close enough to exist effectively anchored to the frame. Virtually an inch of space around the windows is the perfect compromise. It is enough infinite to go on the windows from pressing confronting the frame and causing bug, and close enough to facilitate secure anchoring.

Consider Exterior Infinite

If you lot opt for a swinging window—such as a casement or awning window—consider how much exterior infinite is available. These windows swing out from your abode, then if you try to install one of them at the meridian of your roof where overhangs get in the manner, it will non work out well. If there is a possible obstruction around the outside of your window opening, brand sure you account for it. Whether your habitation is built right next to the garage, or you take other parts of the habitation or 1000 to piece of work around, keep in mind how much swing space you volition demand to allow.

Cutting a Crude Opening for a Replacement Window

What if you are more than interested in making an opening effectually a window that y'all already purchased?

To practice this, simply have the measurements of the window using the steps to a higher place and make up one's mind what depth, width, and pinnacle y'all demand for the window. The depth can exist the same equally the window measurements, just the height and width of the opening both demand to be two inches larger than the window to account for 1 inch of space on all sides. This leaves yous with infinite to brand adjustments, which will help keep the window level and plumb during installation.

With the opening cut to the proper specifications, you will accept to build a frame for the window to sit down in. Start you volition put in a header, and then you will put in cripple studs both above and underneath the rough opening for your window. This will aid transfer the weight of your domicile down through the studs rather than through the window.

It is crucial to get the header and cripple studs in identify before trying to install a window in the rough opening. Without these, y'all could put pressure on the window and cause information technology to warp and perhaps break.

A contractor leveling a window

Hiring a Local Window Installer

Yous can endeavour to install replacement windows on your own, but there are a lot of things that tin can potentially go wrong. If you lot are unsure about whatever of the steps, or if you don't have structure experience, it is best to leave the work up to a professional. Sure, you volition spend a bit more money, but you volition save time in the procedure and benefit from a window warranty  when a licensed professional handles the installation. Best of all, you will take peace of mind that your windows will keep your abode safety, protected, and comfy for years to come.


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